Galactic Astrology and Quantum Soul Guidance

Move Forward with the Stars and Discover Your Own

Unique Starseed Lineage, Galactic Origins and Soul Purpose...

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Galactic Astrology

If you are familiar with astrology and the reading of birth charts you will know that it is essentially a study of the planets in the sky and how they are interacting with one another at the exact point of your birth. 

The planets (and angles) tell a story and astrologers can interpret this story just by looking at the various glyphs and positions within the chart.

The position and location and sign of your Sun for example tells us where you literally "shine" in life and what makes you light up. The Moon is linked to your emotions and what makes you feel safe and nourished and so on...

It's fascinating and it never ceases to amaze me just how accurate astrology can be. Your birth chart is literally a blueprint for your life if you know how to read it.

Galactic Astrology takes this a step (or should that be a leap?!) forward. We look at the Fixed Stars that align with the planets and points in your chart and decipher which ones you have a strong connection to or even support from and which you may have had experiences on in other lifetimes. We look at conjunctions, oppositions, trine, sextiles and squares along with the houses and zodiac signs and gradually build a picture of your galactic heritage. When working on a chart I also use my intuition and connection to your Higher Self to unravel your soul's story.
Galactic Astrology Reading

Starseed Astrology
Have you ever wondered where you come from?

I believe that we are all multi dimensional beings. Some of us aware of this, some are not. But if you resonate with the idea of being a Starseed and believe that you have had lifetimes on other stars or planets apart from Earth then you are in the right place to find out more. Finding out where you are from and learning about those stars and their energies and how you are bringing them into this life experience can be truly life changing and deeply healing. 

Starseed Lineage, Galactic Astrology and Soul Purpose Readings

Your astrological birth chart is the unique blueprint for your soul’s journey through this lifetime and can shed so much light on what your soul chose for you to experience while you are here. 

When we take this a step further and explore your chart through Galactic astrology we have the key to so much more knowledge about your soul’s history and connections and even lifetimes on other star systems. There are so many possibilities, Andromeda, Arcturus, Draco, Tau Ceti, Spica, Sirius, Orion, Lyra, Nihal, Hyades, Aldebaran, Antares and many more.

If you have always felt you are here for a reason but can’t quite pin point what that is, or if you are simply interested in finding out more about your soul’s origins and Starseed lineage then you are in the right place and I would love to accompany you for a small part of your journey to discovering more.

As Mark Twain famously said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." If you have the sense that you are here on a 'mission' or a strong calling to fulfil your purpose but are not yet clear about what that is, then a Quantum Soul Astrology Reading can help to unlock the information you seek.
It is a privilege to be able to assist you with connecting more deeply with your true self and helping you to remember why you are here. This work has the potential to be so healing and transformative and it is my intention with every reading to help you evolve and grow.

I currently offer written reports based on your birth chart. Please check out my reviews here if you'd like to read what other clients have to say...

If you would like to support my work but are not looking for a reading at this time, you can do so here:

“I want to learn more about my Soul's journey and purpose in this lifetime.”

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Starseed Lineage

“I want to know about my Galactic connection and Starseed Lineage on other star systems and planets beyond Earth.”

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I'd like some insight about something that's affecting me or on my mind at the moment.  Maybe a card reading could help shed some light for me?

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