Thank you for your payment for a Deep Dive Astrology Reading.
Please could you fill in the form below to confirm your details.
Please note your birth details including, date, place and exact time along with your current location.
Please also let me know what you would like me to focus on in your Deep Dive and if you have any other questions.
My terms and conditions are at the bottom of this page.
Thank you for your booking. I will be in touch soon.
Louise 🌟
All of my readings are detailed reports and take many hours to research and prepare. They are intended to be read many times and most people have said that each time they read their report they unlock another layer and uncover even more.
I will advise you on my current waiting list and lead time when you book or you are welcome to contact me to find out prior to purchasing the reading. If you are purchasing this as a gift, please note I require the permission/consent of an individual to access and read their chart. If the reading is for a child, I require the consent from the parent or legal guardian. In exceptional cases where this is not possible, I will use my discernment.
In order to read for you I need the following information:
I take data privacy and confidentiality very seriously and all of your personal data is kept secure and confidential along with any information I share with you that is personal to you through your report.
You are most welcome to ask questions and send feedback as a follow up on receipt of your report and I welcome this as I appreciate that sometimes there can be something that is unclear or requires more depth and explanation. This is, within reason, included within the initial fee.
However, if the question is complex and requires an in-depth response and a lot of additional time there may be an additional fee however this will be advised on a case by case basis.
I currently accept card payment via Stripe. Paypal is also an option. Payment is upon booking. All bookings are non-refundable once I have confirmed the delivery time with you and commenced the reading.
I am required to state that my readings are for entertainment purposes only and that you use your discernment and your own judgement with all readings of this kind. I always set the intention that you will hear what you need to hear at this time for your greatest and highest good and your own personal and soul growth always.
As a Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner I offer services that are of Metaphysical advisory nature. I am not a medical or psychological professional and I am unable to diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or claim to cure any ailment be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual in nature. Nor can I comment or advise on any legal matters. All information obtained via my readings is to be taken solely as advisory only and not as a replacement for a professional medical care, or a professional consultation.
By proceeding with paying for your reading with me you legally confirm that I, Louise Platt will not be held personally, legally, or financially liable for any changes you decide to make in life based upon any advice you received from the aforementioned.
By purchasing any of my services, you confirm that you understand and agree to the above disclaimer. Thank you 🙏