Services Lists

To find out about the readings and services I offer please scroll down...

If you would like to order a reading, please click on the "Book" button which will generate the enquiry form. On receipt of your enquiry, I will confirm the delivery time and send you a payment link to pay a deposit which secures your booking.

I am very happy to do bespoke readings and reports so you are looking for specific insight which you do not feel is covered in the readings below, please just ask as I can tailor a reading to meet your specific needs.

This report is for you if you would like to explore your galactic chart and starseed lineage. I look at where your soul originated and share with you the different star systems you have incarnated upon or are closely connected to and how the energies of these stars and races are affecting and interacting with you in this lifetime. I use your birth chart to create this report.


I believe that we are all multi-dimensional beings and that most of us have had other experiences beyond this planet Earth although most of us have no memory of this. If you feel that you might be or are a starseed then this reading will shed light on where you have been other than Earth and what gifts and talents you are bringing with you from other stars and races. 


This report is provided as a pdf. It is approximately 20+ pages long but will vary with each individual according to their unique galactic history. It is an in-depth report with extensive information about the key stars (and their archetypes and energies) that you have connections to.

Cost: £180.00

If you are ready to book then please click on the button below and you will be taken to my Stripe Payment Page. On payment  you will be redirected back to the booking form to complete your details. Please note that due to ongoing demand there is a lead time of approximately 9 weeks for this report.

I also offer a shorter version of the full Galactic Connections and Starseed Lineage reading as an introduction to your starseed origins. I use your birth chart to identify the main fixed star alignments as conjunctions and oppositions in your chart which tells me where your soul has had its earliest galactic lifetimes and more recent ones.

You will discover what the strongest galactic energies are in your chart and which areas of your life they are influencing the most. Please click on this link to order this shorter report which is £65.00

Book Galactic Astrology Reading

This is the most popular report and is a combination of both of the above reports. It includes information about your galactic heritage and fixed star alignments along with your Soul Purpose, Origins and other information that may come through. I use your birth chart to access information and also my intuition and connection to my Higher Self (and yours) to download the relevant information that your soul wishes to reveal to you at this time.

It is my experience that information is revealed piece by piece as we navigate our journey on Earth. You will learn a huge amount about your path, purpose and  history through this reading. Your seeking out this kind of reading and guidance is a clear sign that your Soul/Higher Self is ready and willing for you to take the next step on your journey back to Yourself.

This report will include the main star systems you have connections with and past life experiences on and how the energies of these stars and their races are affecting and interacting with you in this lifetime. For those who know or suspect they are starseeds it can be so empowering just to have that validation of what they knew or along. It really is a case of remembering or unlocking what is hidden deep inside. I am simply the channel.


This lengthy report is provided as a pdf and is approximately 45+ pages long.


There is an option to receive the information as a voice memo if preferred. If you would like this option please enquire directly with me.


Cost £245.00

These readings are delivered in written format but I now offer a follow up Zoom session if you would like to discuss the report or ask any questions.

Cost £55.00 (one hour - to be booked and paid for separately) 


If you are ready to book and pay for your reading please click on the button below which will take you through my enquiry form.

If you If

Book Quantum Soul Reading

Your Cosmic Currents Astrology Reading

If you already have an understanding of your Galactic Chart and Soul Connections you may be interested in this report which will track your current transits to reveal which stars and which energies are supporting you at this time and stage in your life.

This is less about predicting actual events and more about what to expect with regards to your growth and key themes at this time and over the coming months. Which areas of life may be more dominant or influential and what energies you are likely to be working with.

I explore your main and your galactic charts to give you a full cosmic picture.

I may also look at your Progressed Chart to see how the planets and cosmic energies are evolving in your blueprint.

This report is supplied as a pdf.

Cost £155.00

If you are ready to book, please click on the button below and you will be taken to the payment page. You should then be redirected to the booking form to submit your details.

Book Cosmic Currents Reading

Bespoke Astrological Deep Dive

In this reading you tell me what aspect or astrological event you wish to explore with regards your own natal and transit chart. Perhaps it's one of the lunations (Full or New Moons) that is lighting up your chart or you have a specific aspect or fixed star activation that you want to explore in more depth.

I will do a deep dive on this and share my interpretation and insight as I am called, to empower you to use the cosmic energies for your highest good and your soul's growth.

This is entirely bespoke and personal to you. The cost is £65.00 for a written report.

There is the option to receive the session via Zoom - please enquire regarding cost and availability.

If you are ready to book, please scroll to the bottom of this page and check the terms and conditions. If you are happy to go ahead, please click on the button below which will take you to the payment page. You should then be redirected back to this website and asked to fill in a form with your details for the reading.

If you have any questions prior to booking please use the contact me form on my Contact page.

Book Deep Dive

Your Child's Soul Astrology and Starseed Reading

This reading is created specifically for younger starseed and highly sensitive children. Through this reading I will endeavour to share:

  1. Your child's soul strengths - how and where your child's soul is here to shine in this lifetime
  2. Your child's soul purpose and main path to growth
  3. Your child’s learning style and emotional needs and how you can best support them in their early years
  4. Your child's gifts and talents they are bringing to this lifetime
  5. Your child's soul essence colour and what that means
  6. Their Soul origin 
  7. Their main galactic heritage and starseed lineage

As with all readings I do need consent from the child (age dependent) or the parent/legal guardian and I will use discernment and integrity with regards to what is shared. And, as with all of my astrology services, I require your child’s exact time, date and place of birth. 

The report with be supplied as a pdf in written format.

Cost £90.00

If this is speaking to you then I would love to hear from you.


Energy Check and Clearing

Sometimes when I am working on a chart I find attachments or energetic implants that are not serving the client's highest and greatest good. These may be having a detrimental effect and if this is the case I will recommend an energy check and clearing.

In addition to checking for and clearing any energetic implants and low vibrational attachments, I also check for the following:

  • any blocks in your chakra system
  • any hexes, curses or vows
  • any missing soul fragments
  • any cords that need cutting
  • any tears in your aura
  • any karmic ties

Once complete I will check your grounding and protection. I may also look for any relevant astrological transits and bring through messages using oracle or galactic cards if called to. I will also run my Healy Frequency Device during the time I spend on your chart and your energy field to support the work being carried out.

Feedback is provided in a short report. You do not have to be present for this to be done as it is remote energy work.

Should this be recommended as a follow up to a reading you have already purchased the cost is £88.

If you would like this service as a standalone, the cost is £110 as I will study your chart for any obvious issues. Please enquire if you would like more information.


Card Reading

I love to do card readings for people and will use a range of different decks and layouts depending on the client and what they are looking for.

You might have a specific question that you need help with or a decision to make. You might just want some general insight. I am happy to work with you and feel into each reading. The Kachina Knife layout for example is brilliant if you have a specific question but I use a 5 or 7 card spread for more generic readings.

We can do a 6 card pull for the next 6 months if you want to see what energies or themes might lie ahead for you. Or a past, present and future. There are many options. Just send me a message and tell me what you are looking for and I'll tailor it for you. I always set the intention that you will receive the messages and guidance that are for your greatest and highest good at this time.

If I have access to your chart I may also highlight any key and relevant transits that are influential at this time.

The cost for this is £55.00 which includes either a written report with pictures of your cards or a voice memo with a photo included.


Coaching/ Guidance for QSG and Astrology Students

If you are  seeking support with the Galactic Astrology or QSG course content or your own studies then I am available for 1:1 tuition and guidance via Zoom either as a one off or on an ongoing basis.

This will be tailored to your individual requirements so please contact me and let me know what you are looking for and we can arrange a free chemistry call ahead of any commitment.

Please enquire about prices.


Details and disclaimer...

All of my readings are detailed reports and take many hours to research and prepare. They are intended to be read many times and most people have said that each time they read their report they unlock another layer and uncover even more.

I will advise you on my current waiting list and lead time when you book or you are welcome to contact me to find out prior to purchasing the reading. If you are purchasing this as a gift, please note I require the permission/consent of an individual to access and read their chart. If the reading is for a child, I require the consent from the parent or legal guardian. In exceptional cases where this is not possible, I will use my discernment.


In order to read for you I need the following information:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your date of birth (please write the date and month to avoid confusion)
  3. Your place of birth (country and town)
  4. Your time of birth (exact to the nearest minute as possible)
  5. Your current location (town and country)
  6. Any question you may have or area you are particularly interested in (optional)
  7. Your motivation for this reading if you are called to share (optional)
  8. Your level of astrological knowledge (beginner/novice, intermediate, advanced)
  9. Your consent to join my mailing list if you are happy to do so (you can unsubscribe at any time and I don't send out many newsletters so you won't be bombarded!)


Data and Privacy

I take data privacy and confidentiality very seriously and am committed to ensuring that all of your personal data is kept secure and confidential along with any information I share with you that is personal to you through your report. 

Any information you provide when subscribing to my mailing list will be securely stored and used only to send you updates and information you’ve requested. I will never share your details with third parties without your consent. You have the right to unsubscribe or request the deletion of your data at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in my emails or contacting me directly. 

Follow Up to a Reading

You are most welcome to ask questions and send feedback as a follow up on receipt of your report and I welcome this as I appreciate that sometimes there can be something that is unclear or requires more depth and explanation. This is, within reason, included within the initial fee.

However, if the question is complex and requires an in-depth response and a lot of additional time there may be an additional fee however this will be advised on a case by case basis.


I currently accept card payment via Stripe. Paypal is also an option. Payment is upon booking and I will send you a payment link when you book. Payment plans are available - please just ask. All bookings are non-refundable once I have confirmed the delivery time with you and commenced the reading.

You will be given the option to pay a 25% deposit (in lieu of paying the full amount so far in advance) where the lead-time for the delivery is longer than 6 weeks. All deposits are 

non-refundable. The balance for your reading is then due one week before I commence  your chart.



I am required to state that my readings are for entertainment purposes only and that you use your discernment and your own judgement with all readings of this kind.  I always set the intention that you will hear what you need to hear at this time for your greatest and highest good and your own personal and soul growth always.

As a Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner I offer services that are of Metaphysical advisory nature. I am not a medical or psychological professional and I am unable to diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or claim to cure any ailment be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual in nature. Nor can I comment or advise on any legal matters. All information obtained via my readings is to be taken solely as advisory only and not as a replacement for a professional medical care, or a professional consultation.

By proceeding with paying for your reading with me you legally confirm that I, Louise Platt will not be held personally, legally, or financially liable for any changes you decide to make in life based upon any advice you received from the aforementioned. 

By purchasing any of my services, you confirm that you understand and agree to the above disclaimer. Thank you 🙏

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